Applying for grants can seem intimidating and scary, but we promise they don’t have to be! There are ways to calm concerns about deadlines and the decision-making process when applying for new grants.
Here are a few factors our team at Bloom Grant Consulting considers before getting started:
Resources. Our relationship and the right amount of tools and language that has already been developed (i.e., the foundation of work together). If we just started working together, it might be harder to work on a grant together.
Set the capacity. Get clear with everyone, including BGC staff, to determine everyone's capacity for work. BGC shifts projects to be collaborative vs. independent when new or unplanned deadlines are involved.
Consider other priorities at the moment.
Are the board and staff relying on you to complete other major tasks within this deadline (i.e., prioritizing an already internal deadline)?
If we work together and you decide to move forward with a grant, our team will discuss how to best prioritize a grant application together and set a timeline together.
At this point, you know you have the resources, capacity, and priorities are lined up. Next, here are five questions to ask a grant funder when discovering a new grant opportunity:
Tell me more about what excites the foundation lately.
Would you consider a multi-year gift?
Would you be open to reviewing a quick pitch over email to make sure we're aligned?
What new priorities are the board considering as they plan for the next five to ten years and why?
In what ways does the foundation make efforts to maintain relationships with their grantees?
We’re here to help at any stage of your grant writing journey. Our Blossom Bundle helps clients start the process of becoming grant ready in just three months! Contact us to learn more.
We look forward to supporting you!
Jacquee + Alex