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Grant Proposal Review & Revision

Writer's picture: Jacquee KurdasJacquee Kurdas

How to review and revise your grant proposal. 

Grant Proposal Review & Revision

Once you’ve completed a draft of your grant proposal, it’s time to review and revise! Editing is a crucial step in the grant writing process that can improve your proposal and increase opportunities for grant funding. In this blog post, we share how to review and revise your grant proposal. 

Proofread & Edit Your Grant Proposal

Begin the editing process by proofreading your grant proposal. Reading your proposal aloud can help to identify confusing sentence structure and repetitive phrasing. As you read your proposal, markup your writing with edits and comments. Review your proposal for spelling, grammar, clarity, and conciseness. Complete the editing process by implementing your markup. Fix spelling mistakes, remove unnecessary words, and rearrange and replace sections.

Spelling and Grammar

Evaluate each sentence for spelling and grammatical errors. In the days of modern word processing applications, your grant proposal should be free of spelling errors. Tools like Grammarly can help improve your writing by addressing grammatical errors and providing suggestions to improve writing clarity. 

Clarity and Conciseness

Assess your grant proposal for clarity and conciseness. Your proposal should reflect the intentions and mission of your organization. Ensure each section responds directly to the grant guidelines and application requirements. 


Once you’ve proofed and edited your grant proposal for spelling, grammar, clarity, and conciseness, we recommend critically evaluating your proposal against the funding guidelines, application requirements, and evaluation criteria. Continue to markup your grant as you assess your proposal. This process should be repeated until you feel you have responded to all funder requirements concisely and consistently throughout your proposal. 

Each funder has unique requirements and funding priorities. This evaluation will look different for each proposal you write, but the process will remain the same. 

Request Feedback on Your Grant Proposal

Request feedback from trusted advisors. Feedback from wide-ranging perspectives can help you understand areas of your grant proposal that need improvement or further explanation. 

Request feedback from colleagues or mentors. Team members, volunteers, and board members serve as excellent readers, as they are invested in the organization’s success. 

Funders might be open to pre-reviewing a portion of the proposal for alignment before the deadline.  Pre-reviews allow your organization to connect with funders and share your intentions. They can be excellent partners in the development of a strong proposal. Few funders offer this, but when they do, we recommend engaging them!

Be sure to equip reviewers with the funding guidelines, application requirements, and evaluation criteria to ensure suggestions are relevant and appropriate. 

Constructive feedback is key to the grant writing process. It will help you to improve your writing and increase your chances of success both on the application you are writing today and in future applications. 


In conclusion, it’s imperative to review and revise your grant proposal. Adopting a thorough review and revision as part of your grant writing process can improve your writing and polish your grant proposals. 



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